Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia
Alfonso Femia, is the co-founder of 5+1AA, that in 2017 changed its denomination in Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia.
The Atelier(s) in Genoa, Milan and Paris, confront the contemporary in the way they address the relationship between territory, city and architecture, constructing this relationship as a representation of reality. The research on matter, characteristic of the last projects made in Italy and France, is fundamental in the reassertion of matter as an empathic dimension of architecture when it encounters the ones who live it and occupy the city.

The focus on matter by Atelier(S) Alfonso Femia is also to generously reassert the importance of a close dialogue among all project makers, from the client to the craftsman. Among the latest projects: BNP/BNL new headquarters in Rome and Marseilles Dock. This latter project perfectly combines the main researches carried out by Atelier(s) AF517: the relation between public and private, the project as a place of destination. The dialog as a project tool and the project as a dialog tool are the actions that distinguish the thought of Atelier(s) Femia, believing in the project as an opportunity of encounters and exchanges; that is measured in and with time and that makes the chronotopic dimension one the objectives of Atelier(s) Alfonso Femia research.
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