Campus Insieme: workshop with Trigoria citizens
The Development Plan of Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome is grounded on a vision of networked and flexible spaces able to welcome the activities of its Research University and adapt to the needs of the campus inhabitants. Students, professors, researchers, physicians and patients will be the first to benefit from the future campus: a forefront University Park that provides environmental quality also to the surrounding communities. With the aim to share the competition process and contents with local citizens the event “Campus Insieme” has been organized at Trigoria Civic Centre on 14 June 2018. The gathering has been an inspiring moment to share the goals of UCBM Development Plan “piùCampus 2015-2045” within its main areas: education, research and healthcare assistance.
The project presentation has been attended by 300 participants and organized into working groups to debate on concrete objectives and encourage citizens to raise ideas on Trigoria development. Leisure facilities, landscape, centrality of the person and mobility are the four main topics that have involved almost 100 hundred people.
“Campus Insieme” participants - supported by architects, sociologist and promoters – have confirmed the feeling of a "dormitory suburb" that needs new energies to grow it liveability and infrastructural quality. The assembly, organized into working theme groups, has claimed the following:
• the need of a Piazza for Trigoria, a meeting point for all citizens that can give identitity and a sense of belonging to the neighbourhood.
• connections with Rome: because of the long distance and poor public transport Trigoria is perceived more as a suburb than a lively neighbourhood of Rome
•  find a new urban dimension for Trigoria through effective transport connections
• leisure, cultural and sports facilities: the neighbourhood lacks any kind of attractiveness thus young people are obliged to move from Trigoria to find any leisure service such as cinema, theatre or even shopping.
While focusing on the campus activities UCBM also wishes to keep on improving the neighbourhood. And “Campus Insieme” has represented a vibrant and informal opportunity for listening to Trigoria citizens. Collected ideas have shown how UCBM’s role is perceived as a significant key player siding local institutions in the territorial development.
During this special day the illustrator Marco Serra has transformed and drawn the requests, needs and issues raised by Trigoria citizens in a visual storytelling.
With “Campus Insieme”, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome confirms an ongoing dialogue with local communities committed to the future of the city. As a physical and virtual community, UCBM is happy to welcome citizens’ suggestions at:
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